Academic Records Requirements

你有兴趣在皇冠体育app学习吗? To be a qualified applicant, 你应该提供包括至少16个学术单元的学术记录.

The College of Business Units
English 4 units
Social Studies or History 3-4 units
大学预备数学-代数-几何-微积分预备 3-4 units
其余应在上述领域或业务 4 units
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Requirements for International Students
The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Units
English 4 units
Social Studies or History 3-4 units
大学预备数学-代数-几何-微积分预备 3-4 units
Laboratory Science 2 units
Remaining should be in the above fields or art  
The Inamori School of Engineering Units
English 4 units
Social Studies or History 3-4 units
大学预备数学-代数-几何-微积分预备 4 units
Laboratory Science - biology - chemistry - physics 3-4 units
Remaining should be in the above fields  

The School of Art and Design

所有申请艺术学院的申请人都需要提交作品集 & Design by February 1. Learn more about the undergraduate art portfolio or the graduate art portfolio.

Graduate student academic requirements

A 3.0/4.0 GPA or better is recommended.

Each program has different academic requirements. See the program pages for specific information.

Undergraduate student transcripts

非盟要求所有二级成绩单或迄今为止的成绩记录的原件或认证副本,并出示毕业证明. 这些必须由你所在的机构准备和授权,并附有这些记录的经过认证的英文翻译.

任何试图完成任何高等教育学习的学生都被视为转学生,并应提交转学生申请. 非盟要求所有中学和大专成绩单或迄今为止的成绩记录的原件或认证副本,并出示毕业证明. 这些必须由你所在的机构准备和授权,并附有这些记录的经过认证的英文翻译.

皇冠体育app的录取标准竞争激烈, 学生被期望有优秀的学习成绩. In evaluating your level of placement, 皇冠体育app要求通过以下组织之一对您的记录进行评估:

  • World Evaluation Services organization WES
  • Education Evaluators International EEI

Graduate student transcripts

申请人必须提供以前所有大学水平工作的正式成绩单(英文), 包括你持有相当于美国四年制学位的学士学位的证明.

学士学位必须适合特定的学习课程,并被认为是学生被录取的学习领域的合法准备. 有些学生可能会被录取,条件是必须完成本科课程.

所有非英文的成绩单必须是由你所就读的教育机构出具的认证副本. Notarized copies are not acceptable. Any translated record should be literal, not interpretive, 并且必须附有原始文件的副本. 唯一可接受的翻译是由发行机构进行和认证的翻译, or by one of the following evaluation services:

  • World Evaluation Services organization WES
  • Education Evaluators International EEI

A 3.0/4.0 (65% OR greater) GPA or better is recommended.

在其他认可机构完成的研究生工作也将予以考虑. 这样的学分必须是在研究生阶段的课程,成绩必须达到B或更高, 并且适合你在皇冠体育app的学习项目. 转学分必须在学生学术课程的连续六个日历年内完成. 学生的指导老师和项目部门主席或项目主管必须批准每一个转学分. 通常情况下,文学硕士可转换的最大学分为6个学分, MS or MSEd degrees, and twenty credits in doctoral programs. 硕士学位不允许学分转换.


所有本科国际申请者都需要提交SAT的官方成绩, the ACT, TOEFL or IELTS examinations. If an international student has taken classes in a US University or college; they must apply as a transfer student, 我们将审阅成绩单上的所有英语课程,以显示您的英语水平.


  • Official Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  • American College Testing (ACT)
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
  • International English Language Test (IELTs)

Alfred University's Institution Code: 2005

Undergraduate language score requirements

  • TOEFL 80
  • IELTS 6.0

Graduate language score requirements

  • TOEFL 90 (80 MFA)
  • IELTS 6.5 (6.0 MFA)

*较低的分数将根据具体情况进行审查. If your score is under the requirement, 我们保留要求提交额外文件以证明英语能力的权利.

申请入学时需要提交以下表格. 没有此表格,您的申请将不予审核. 如果你被录取,你还必须提交不可退还的300美元押金.S. dollars in order to receive an I-20.

经济支持证明-国土安全部要求皇冠体育app核实计划持F-1签证在美国学习的学生可以提供足够的经济证明,证明他们的学生职业生涯有足够的资金. To verify evidence of financial support, 请提交以下适当的表格,以便招生委员会对申请作出决定. 该表格必须与申请一起提交.

健康和免疫表格-所有参加皇冠体育app的学生必须遵守纽约州健康法规,并在出勤前提交这些表格. Learn more about required health and immunization forms.


Financial Aid is not available to international students however; we do offer merit-based scholarships based on academic results, test scores and extra-curricular activities.